Thursday, 17 December 2009

Textures and Reflections

Textures are the skin of a structure.  It is the surface that is cursorily examined and the structure deemed stable and trustworthy. 

The surface does sometimes speak of the inside and sometimes not.

The inevitable scrutiny of time and the elements can add a pleasant patina of wear or they can speak of deep problems that will eventually corrupt the whole framework.  It is all in the eye of the beholder.

Textures on structures:

Reflections of structures as texture:

Structures as textures:

[1] all photos by Rae Mearkle

Past Exhibitions

Pop up Jewellery Shop -- Dialogue 9,

Jewellery for 20 Quid!, 146 Columbia Rd., London, UK

June 11-June 27. 2010

THE ROLE OF ART, Luxury Goods IX, Courtyard Theatre, London UK

April 27-May 2, 2010

FLUX, Brilliantly Birmingham, Birmingham Musem of Art, Birmingham, UK

November 2009 – February 2010

PAUSE, MA Degree Show, Sir John Cass School of Art, London Metropolitan University, London, UK

September 2009

NEW DESIGNERS, Business Design Centre , London, UK

July 7- 14, 2009

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