Friday, 1 January 2010

Physical Manifestation

Language and art form a duality with both being 'immediate constructions'[1] used to communicate the abstract unknown of one entity's interior to another.

Thoughts, Dreams, Feelings 

Langauge, Art, Emotions


"Speech (hence, language) is a vehicle, an instrument, the mediation of something else (soul, thought, passion); it absorbs the entirety of the mental...not expression but immediate construction." [3]

" becoming aware of the thought nascent within us...when we speak to the other, thus sweeping him into truth, as if himself, by himself, were discovering it......the priciple of the exteriority of language and of thought [and feelings]: one has a 'picture' in the mind and one seeks to 'render' it." [4]

[2] All photos by Rae Mearkle
[1], [3], [4] Barthes, Roland, The Semiotic Challenge

Past Exhibitions

Pop up Jewellery Shop -- Dialogue 9,

Jewellery for 20 Quid!, 146 Columbia Rd., London, UK

June 11-June 27. 2010

THE ROLE OF ART, Luxury Goods IX, Courtyard Theatre, London UK

April 27-May 2, 2010

FLUX, Brilliantly Birmingham, Birmingham Musem of Art, Birmingham, UK

November 2009 – February 2010

PAUSE, MA Degree Show, Sir John Cass School of Art, London Metropolitan University, London, UK

September 2009

NEW DESIGNERS, Business Design Centre , London, UK

July 7- 14, 2009

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